Curse The Epidemic [CuTE] Mature, Relaxed, Casual Guild is Recruiting
If you are seeking a PvX, Mature, Relaxed, Fun, and Casual guild, we might be what your looking for.
Curse The Epidemic [CuTE] is a guild I started back in May of 2006. The guild has seen many transformations since, with core members moving on new players have stepped in to fill their roles. We have gone from a PvE to a PvP then back to a PvE guild, but today we look to do both while having fun.
We are a mature guild (21+) and we have many loyal members who have stayed with the guild since its creation.
We are American based with a few European players.
We are friendly helpful and prefer all those who join to hang with us on our vent server. Peek hours of play eastern time US 4pm to 2am
We always believed this is just a game and at the end of the day, enjoying ourselves is our main priority. I do not tolerate ragers, and immature behavior.
We have many highly experienced PvE/PvP players and if you are nervous about playing PvP or PvE areas we are not a guild who jokes about it. We all were Noobs at one point.
We Enjoy
Ever aspect of PvE: UW, FoW, Zaishen, Dungeons, Farm Runs, etc...
Currently seeking more for balancedway UW runs and HA
Also have many title grinders looking for those to join them.
PvP: Codex, RA, AB,and we are reforming our HA and GvG squads, we ranked in the 300's while GvGing back in 2007/2008.
So if you are looking for a friendly organized guild to hang with until GW2 is released I think we are the guild for you. I cannot promise you our activity will be extremely high at all times, but I can promise you will enjoy any aspect of the game while you are on with us. We usually have a decent group of players on throughout the day. The hardcore player need not apply, if you are a casual player and like to laugh give me a whisper for more details.
IGN: Dober Man or Quick Heal